A coefficient and split - half reliability coefficient of this scale reach into 0 . 8774 and 0 . 8286 . at last , the author measured 450 criminals with it 该量表的a系数和分半信度系数分别达到0 . 8774和0 . 8286 。
Test - retest reliability , split - half reliability , internal concordance coefficient ( cronbach a coefficient ) , content validity , construct validity and index validity of the mental self - supporting questionnaire of university students were good 对自编的《大学生心理自立问卷》进行了尽可能多角度、多指标的信效度检测。
Split - half coefficient and internal concordance coefficient ( cronbach a coefficient ) were used to test reliability of the questionnaire . coefficient of all the factors was significant that shows the questionnaire has good internal concordance and high split - half reliability ( 2 )本研究用分半信度和内部一致性系数( cronbacha系数)检验问卷的信度,信度系数均达到显著水平,说明中学校风问卷具有较好的信度。
The specific research methods include : the reliability and validity of the scale ( cronbach ’ s of the scale , split - half reliability , the reliability of each dimension , discriminant validity , convergent validity ) ; the factor analysis method to get the dimensions of internal service quality ; the independent - samples t - test and paired - samples t - test method to analyze every discrimination of internal service quality ; the comparison of means to evaluate the sequence of every dimension 具体的研究方法包括:对量表进行信度和效度分析,包括整个表的cronbach系数、分半信度、各维度的信度、区别效度和收敛效度的分析;使用因子分析的方法测量内部服务质量包含的维度;采用两独立样本的t检验和两配对样本的t检验的统计方法对内部服务质量各差距进行分析;通过对样本均值的比较,分别得出各维度在员工和管理者心目中的重要性排序。